
scantxt is a common way to opt-out and/or verify ownership to scanners. It’s similar in structure to dmarc with features built-in like ownership verification, notification endpoints and scanner verifications.

    +-----------------------------+                   +---------+       +---------+
    |                             |                   | scanner +------>| scanner |
+---+     Reporting Endpoint      |<-------+          | private |       | public  +---------+
|   |                             |        |          | key     |<------+ key     |         |
|   +-----------------------------+        |          +----+----+       +---------+         |
|                                          |               |                                |
|                                          |               v                                |
|   +-----------------------------+    +---+--------------------------------------------+   |
|   |                             |    |                                                |   |
+---+       Target / Asset        |<---+                    Scanner                     |   |
|   |                             |    |                                                |   |
v   +-----------------------------+    +--------------------------------+               |   |
|   |       "scan" records        |    |        "scanner" records       |               |   |
|   +-------------+---------------+    +----------------+---------------+---------------+   |
|   | "_scan" DNS | /.well-known/ |    | "_scanner" DNS | /.well-known/ | /.well-known/ |<--+
|   | TXT records | scan.json     |    | TXT record     | scanner.json  | jwks.json     |
|   +-------------+---------------+    +----------------+---------------+---------------+
|                                                                               ^
|                                                                               |

(see overview-diagram.png if this doesn’t render correctly)

scan records

The recommended method is to use the _scan subdomain for DNS TXT records. Alternatively, /.well-known/scan.json (with the mime type application/json) can be used (.json extension optional).

See more info on scan records and format here:

You can view examples of these at or by doing a DNS TXT lookup against

scanner records

This is a mechanism for scanners to set contact details and signpost what type of scanning they perform.

The recommended method is to use the _scanner subdomain for DNS TXT records. Alternatively, /.well-known/scanner.json (with the mime type application/json) can be used (.json extension optional).

See about scanner records and format here:

You can view an example of this at or by doing a DNS TXT lookup against

Scanner guidance

See scanner-guidance for details on identification and verification.

Reporting guidance

See reporting-guidance for details on reporting endpoints and mechanisms.